The admin panel has a dedicated page where you can set the default sub-menus for your skins homepage. Although designed to work with the default TRMC skin this will work with any skin which uses script.skinshortcuts for the sub-menus but you may need to add some custom paths, full details below.
Uploading to admin panel:
The simplest way to create your shortcuts file is by going into your Kodi skin settings which is found in the Appearance section (pre Krypton) or Interface section for Kodi 17 onwards...
- Click on configure skin.
- Click on setup the Aeon Nox main menu (if using Aeon based skins). This may differ slightly from skin to skin.
- Select the menu you want to edit (movies, tv shows, music etc.) then click on manage submenu.
- You will now have the option to add/delete sub-menu items. Remember the item you have highlighted on the left hand side is the item you're currently editing so if you want to add a new item remember to click on add then set label before choosing the action you want linked to that shortcut.
- Once you've made the necessary changes your file will automatically save, at this point head over to Skin -> Sub-Menus in your admin panel. When you click on the sub-menu you want to update it will tell you the path where you can find your file, make sure you use the userdata path and not the addons path!
- Click on Browse and navigate to the file found in the userdata path shown in admin panel, your file will now upload.
Adding shortcuts for custom skins:
If your skin uses different filenames to ours then so long as it uses script.skinshortcuts for the sub-menus you can easily add these new paths to your admin panel.
- Using your skin settings in Kodi try editing one of the menus, try adding a few shortcuts to one of the menus.
- Using a program such as Sublime Text Editor (free) open one of the xml files in userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts (it doesn't matter which one).
- Now click on Find -> Find in files and enter the name of one of the shortcuts you created and set the path to your userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts folder.
- Click on find and you should receive a page of results showing which file that shortcut was found in. Open that file and double check it also contains references to the other shortcuts you created for that menu item.
- Now open addons/<skin_id>/ and try to find a folder which contains some shortcut xml files, generally this folder is called "shortcuts". Once you find this folder this is the custom path you need to add to admin panel so make a note of it. Let's say your shortcut file was userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/x8.DATA.xml this would mean the path you need to add in admin panel would be addons/<skin_id>/shortcuts/x8.DATA.xml (presuming that's the path where your skin stores it's shortcuts). Make sure you replace <skin_id> with your real skin ID!
- Once you've entered the new custom details in admin panel you can upload your file you located in the userdata folder and this will be installed to the relevant skin folder on your devices.
Why are the paths in the addons folder and not the addon_data folder?
By installing the files to the addons shortcut location rather than the script.skinshortcut addon_data location it will still mean the end user is still able to add/edit sub-menu items. If you were to set the path as the addon_data location this would not allow the end user to add their own sub-menus.